How To Recycle Office Furniture

If you are upgrading your office to smart building technology, why not reinvent the entire space? Smart building technology makes smarter use of occupant-centric space. You no longer need the space-hogging desks and filing cabinets. Before you can improve your space, however, you need to figure out what to do with the old office furniture and lighting. Some of your furniture may have value in the secondhand market. To find out, call in an office furniture liquidator. Read More 

Why Should You Use an Ammonia System?

Many products need to be kept cold in order to prevent spoilage. Refrigeration can prolong the shelf life of foods that would otherwise expire too quickly. Meat, vegetables, dairy products, and frozen goods can all benefit from a good refrigeration system. When choosing a refrigeration system for your store or warehouse, you'll have some options to pick from, such as hydrofluorocarbons and natural refrigerants. Have you considered ammonia? Ammonia can be used as a refrigerant in systems designed to accommodate it. Read More 

3 Reasons To Schedule Parking Lot Striping Services

When you own a business and you are lucky enough to have a parking lot for your customers, you will want to make sure that the space is well taken care of. This includes making sure that the parking lot striping in your area of the lot is newly painted often enough. Too many business owners make the mistake of allowing their parking lot lines to become so faded that they can barely be seen. Read More 

Why Homeowners Should Consider Investing In A Water Softener System

If you use a lot of tap water in the house, you probably overlook its impurities. You may not want to anymore thanks to the advancements in water softener systems. Having one set up in your home can give rise to these rewards.  Cleaner Silverware You've probably noticed that after washing silverware, water spots can show up from time to time. This is not ideal when having guests over, and the problem is the hard water coming into your home, not the dishwasher product you're using. Read More 

4 Services Often Offered By A Real Estate Executive Recruiting Service

Building a team of professionals for your real estate firm takes some time, and hiring professionals to fill executive positions within the company can be one of your biggest challenges. These individuals take on a lot of responsibility within a firm, so they must have the right credentials. Adequate time and experience in the industry is also imperative. To help you find the best real estate executives for your firm, it is always a good idea if you work with an executive recruiting firm. Read More